This second issue of FOCUS-Africa Newsletter coincides with the first mid-term review of the project. Yes, we already reached 18+ months of implementation while employing our creativity, innovation and efforts in order to minimize the impacts of COVI...
Read MoreInteracting with users and stakeholders to understand their climate services needs. The FOCUS-Africa Case Study 8 team, comprising of staff from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research...
Read More30 May – 3 June 2022- South Africa Background information The First FA Stakeholders’ Workshop was focused on South Africa and took place virtually. It was comprised of Internal workshop (30 November – 1 December 2020) and external stakeholder w...
Read MoreA Methodology for the socio-economic impact assessment of climate services. Sadly we know today that in the race to fight climate change, we also have to learn how to adapt to the inevitable changes to come. Climate services equip decision-makers ...
Read MoreA Mechanism for improved coordination on data, methods, tools, products and services for Africa CONCEPT NOTEThe African Centre for Meteorological Applications and Development (ACMAD) as a WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) for Africa is org...
Read MoreThe African Centre for Meteorological Applications and Development (ACMAD), as a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Climate Centre for Africa, organized a first of its kind one day Africa Continental Climate Outlook Forum (ACCOF-01). FO...
Read MoreOn 14-15th September 2021, the second External Stakeholder Workshop of our FOCUS-Africa project took place online. Focusing on Tanzania, the discussions explored the stakeholders needs, challenges and capacities in terms of climate services in Tan...
Read MoreFOCUS-Africa traveled to Mozambique in what is officially the first field trip for the project. The team working on food security in case study three , led by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA) in Pisa, Italy, finally met in person in a windy aft...
Read MoreTraveling is possible again, and the Case Study 3 (CS3) team met for the first time in person in Mozambique this October 2021. A twelve day visit to assess the socio-economic impact of climate services in the FOCUS-Africa project. CS3 fo...
Read MoreThe European meteorological Society (EMS) Annual Meeting 2021 was attended by FOCUS-Africa partners on Friday 10th September, with 549 participants from 43 countries. This was a great opportunity to present the project to a wide audience. The subm...
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