A look back at our Stakeholder Workshop in South Africa


The third Stakeholders Workshop took place in Pretoria (South Africa), on 1-2 June 2022, in a hybrid mode. The focus was on case study 1 on food security in South Africa (link), and the wider region, as well as case study 8  on  water  management  in  Mauritius (link).  The workshop  brought together  the  consortium  members,  close partners, advisory board (AB) members, European Union (EU) officers, and local stakeholders in South Africa and Mauritius to better understand the local needs and requirements for related case studies in food security and water. The workshop explored local gaps, opportunities, and activities especially in South Africa and Mauritius, but covered broader regional perspectives whenever possible. 

The objectives of the stakeholder workshop, as agreed by the widely represented project organizing committee, were: 

  • To  promote  visibility  of  FOCUS-Africa  project  by  showcasing  the  progress  and  challenges  of  the  case studiesin South Africa and Mauritius; 
  • To  understand  and  review  users’  requirements,  perspectives,  and  strategies  for  climate  services delivery in South Africa and Mauritius; 
  • To assess the status of the stakeholder’s engagement; 
  • To expand the stakeholder network in South Africa and Mauritius; 
  • To identify risks and lessons learned from 2020/2021 and COVID-19; 
  • To better understand end-users’ requirements; 
  • To explore the opportunities for capacity building 

The report

A total of 137 participated both presential and virtually at the third stakeholder workshop, with a large proportion from South Africa (the location and focus of part of the workshop). 

This workshop was also the opportunity for work package leaders and case study leaders to share their thoughts and vision on the first half of the project and its promising future.  Let’s have a look at what they shared with us.

A word from our Case Study Leaders

A word from our consortium members