The landmark Paris Agreement at COP21 called for enhanced adaptive capacity to strengthen resilience and thus reduce vulnerability to climate change.

To better manage potential climate risks and foster adaptation, climate-sensitive sectors require science-based and user-specific climate information connecting natural and socio-economic research with practice, namely Climate Services. Indeed, enabling access to climate information and providing user-friendly climate services will help decision-makers to build resilience at all levels and in a wide range of sectors, including food security, water, health and energy.

The Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) defines “Climate Services” as the timely production, translation, provision and use of climate data, information and knowledge for informed societal decision-making.


While the use of climate information is growing rapidly worldwide, the majority of the countries in Africa still lacks the infrastructural, technical, human and institutional capacities to provide high-quality climate services.

But Southern Africa is projected to become generally drier under low mitigation climate change measures and the SADC countries are particularly vulnerable to climate variability, change and extremes. Water resources, agriculture, hydropower generation, ecosystems and basic infrastructures are especially under stress as a result of the increased frequency and intensity of floods, droughts and landslides.

Thus, implementing adaptation measures using Climate Services is crucial for the region.

Focus-AFRICA implements case studies in five countries: Mozambique, Mauritius, South Africa, Malawi, and Tanzania, and targets on the following four sectors: water, energy, agriculture, and infrastructure.

Fact examples to understand the current situation in the SADC region:

Over 60% of the population in the SADC region...

...depend on local agriculture, which is mainly rainfed.

40 million people in the SADC region...

... were food insecure after the 2015/2016 hot summers and sporadic rainfall in Southern Africa.

The 2015/2016 drought....

contributed to dam water levels being reduced and led to intermittent power outages in most countries in the SADC region.

Case studies are the pillar of FOCUS-AFRICA’s project.

We have identified eight case studies in the energy, food security, water and infrastructure sectors of the SADC region – to provide a range of examples where climate service delivery can be successfully implemented.

The resulting tailored products cover the full-value chain of climate sevices, whereby each case study is contributed by a research partner, a service provider partner and an end-user.

Discover our Case Studies

Learn about our Approach

FOCUS-AFRICA aims to become the reference for future climate services’ projects

By advancing the science of climate services and producing effective climate service delivery, we aim to become the main reference for all future climate services’ projects in the SADC region.

FOCUS-AFRICA will become a repository for knowledge and tools necessary in the development of practical and useful climate services to better tackle the risks of climate change.

Discover our Objectives