The Full Value Chain Optimized Climate User Centric Services for Southern Africa (FOCUS-Africa) project develops tailored climate services in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. The full value chain of climate services is being demonstrated by piloting eight case studies in five countries (Tanzania, Mozambique, Malawi, Mauritius and South Africa), involving a wide range of stakeholders including climate scientists, sectoral service providers, and end-users. In Tanzania FOCUS-Africa project implements climate services for food security, Infrastructure and energy which are case study 4, 5 and 6 respectively.
Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) under the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and other partners involved is implementing FOCUS-Africa in Tanzania. Together with partners the third stakeholders’ mission was organized in Tanzania from 30th Oct to 3rd Nov 2023. The mission was prioritized for case study 4 (food security) and case study 6 (Energy) with main objective of engaging with relevant stakeholders and users of the climate services, most notably to collect feedback on the trial climate services development so far.
The mission was organised for 4 days in Dar es Salaam and 1 day at Kibaha in Pwani, it was attended by more than 50 experts from different organizations including 11 experts from TMA, 10 farmers and 5 extension officers from Kibaha, others from BSC, WEMC, UK MET Office, LGI, TARI, GIZ, WFP, EU, AFD and TANESCO. The mission involved presentations and training of the developed tools by FOCUS-Africa, awareness on TMA’s services to farmers and sustainability aspects of the project.

The sustainability aspect of the developed tools for climate services involved meetings with important stakeholders in Tanzania for request in funding of the developed tools from FOCUS- Africa so as to maintain and sustain the products after the project ends. The developing partners engaged for funding of FOCUS-Africa products involved WFP, GIZ, UE and AFD, most developing partners were very much interested in the tools presented by FOCUS-Africa and some promised to find ways to intergrate the products with their other ongoing projects in Tanzania.

It was agreed after the mission
- To have continued discussion with TMA on sustainability and cost benefit analysis of the tools produced by FOCUS-Africa also
- UK MET Office to produce wind and solar estimates of high resolution from high quality data for wind and solar power generation in Tanzania
- TMA to share wind and solar data to UK Met Office for analysis of potential areas for wind and solar potential in Tanzania.