• Stage 1 will be delivered online between 11 April and 30th June 2024 and will focus on providing Trainer of Trainees (ToT) fundamental knowledge on FOCUS Africa knowledge products and tools. The sessions are planned for upto a maximum of four (4) hours per week. 
  • Stage 2 will be an in-person training between 01 July and 06 July 2024 where ToT will interact with FOCUS Africa knowledge products and tools through practical demonstration and testing. 
  • Stage 3 will be an in-person training during Southern Africa Regional Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF-29) and Climate Expert Meeting (CEM-30) in August 2024 and it will focus on practical application of the FOCUS Africa tools, and the results presented during the SARCOF-30 User Interface Platform (UIP).  
We have identified eight case studies in the energy, food security, water and infrastructure sectors of the SADC region – to provide a range of examples where climate service delivery can be successfully implemented.