The training will be done in three stages, whereby selected climate expert trainer of trainees (ToT) from all SADC member states including SADC CSC staff will be trained in order to ensure sustainability of the FA tools in the region at the end of the project. The first stage of the training will be online for four weeks, whereby TOT will be familiarized with the FA developed tools. The second stage of the training will be an in-person training where participants will interact with FA tools through practical demonstration and testing. The third stage of the training will also be an in-person training which will focus on practical application of the FA tools which will be carried out during the Climate Expert Meeting (CEM-29) to be held in August 2024, and the results presented during the SARCOF-29 User Interface Platform (UIP). The objective of the is to gather ToT from all SADC member countries, including staff from SADC CSC, for an online training session spanning the entire month of March 2024.

We have identified eight case studies in the energy, food security, water and infrastructure sectors of the SADC region – to provide a range of examples where climate service delivery can be successfully implemented.

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