WISER Learning Event 29th April 2021

The WISER 2 programme, funded by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Fund Managed by the Met Office UK (MO), is hosting a final internal learning event at the end of April 2021 to share experiences and learning from programme partners. This Learning Event is an opportunity for projects to gather, network and learn from each other, focusing on celebrating the successes across the programme. The event will enable knowledge sharing to inform policies and practice; and benefit other weather and climate services projects and programmes, as well as the donor community.

This session will take place on the 29th April 2021 between 14h00-16h00 EAT.

Please RSVP by 16th April 2021 using this link and feel free to share this invitation. Once registered, you will receive the meeting details for Microsoft Teams.


We have identified eight case studies in the energy, food security, water and infrastructure sectors of the SADC region – to provide a range of examples where climate service delivery can be successfully implemented.

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