FOCUS-Africa 2024 Editorial

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Roberta Boscolo, WMO As the FOCUS-Africa project enters its final year, this message marks my last communication through this channel. It’s with a blend of emotions that I pen this closing editorial. I feel a profound sense of achievement; o...

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Climate Services for Africa Policy Workshop

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This event is co-organized by the EU-funded projects FOCUS-Africa, DOWN2EARTH and CONFER. Thursday, 20 June 2024, Brussels, Belgium Norway House | Rue Archimède 17, 1000 Brussels The first part of the meeting (before the first break) will be...

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FOCUS-Africa Editorial, Roberta Boscolo

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The FOCUS-Africa project is already well in its third year of implementation and I continue to be surprised by the level of achievement and commitment so far but especially in the last year. Thanks to the relaxation of the COVID restrictions, the dif...

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FOCUS-Africa: Second stakeholders engagement mission to Tanzania

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The FOCUS-Africa project is working to implement tailored trial climate services in Tanzania. Specifically, the project is focusing on case studies 4, 5, and 6, which involve food security, infrastructure, and energy, respectively. The proje...

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FOCUS-Africa/CONFER/Down2Earth COP27 side events overview

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In November 2022, the FOCUS-Africa project along with its sister projects Down2Earth and CONFER, had the pleasure of holding two side events at the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC CO...

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Publication of a paper on bias correction of extreme events

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A Novel Bias Correction Method for Extreme Events When one is using climate simulation outputs, one critical issue to consider is the systematic bias affecting the modelled data. The bias correction of modelled data is often used when one is using...

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FOCUS-Africa mission to Malawi

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Dragana Bojovic (on behalf of the CS2 team) The final FOCUS-Africa 2022 country mission took place in Malawi from 3-12 October. The mission included partners involved in the Case Study on Climate Services for Food Security (CS2) and the Case Stud...

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A look back at our Stakeholder Workshop in South Africa

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The third Stakeholders Workshop took place in Pretoria (South Africa), on 1-2 June 2022, in a hybrid mode. The focus was on case study 1 on food security in South Africa (link), and the wider region, as well as case study 8  on  water ...

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Resources from our third FOCUS-Africa External Stakeholder Workshop are online!

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On 30 May to 3 June 2022, the third Stakeholder Workshop of FOCUS-Africa took place in Pretoria, and for the first time in-person and also online! The workshop sessions covered both regional perspective for the whole project and particularly explore ...

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A look back on FOCUS-Africa 3rd joint partners stakeholders engagement mission.

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To foster the contribution and involvement of local stakeholders such as farmers in the project, the FOCUS-Africa team is organizing missions to the different countries where the project has case studies. After Mozambique and Mauritius, the team h...

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